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We Are Tax Professionals

Experienced. Driven. Commited.

Start your journey as a Tax Preparer today, and gain a step to financial freedom.
Virtual Business

Start your own virtual business from the comfort of anywhere in the world.

Business Coaching

Not only will you receive tax education, but you will have a dedicated mentor throughout your entire process.

High Earning Potential

You can start a successful virtual business with little startup cost and a high earning potential.

About Us

The Meta Tax Family is a family franchise company created for tax preparers to cultivate, grow and thrive in the tax industry. The MTF Tax Partner and Tax Advisor Program provides a platform for those interested in starting a career in the income tax industry and provides everything needed to operate a virtual income tax company. It is projected that by 2024 the income tax industry will grow to over 12 billion dollars.

While the tax industry continues to grow, unfortunately, inflation has skyrocketed, the economy is suffering, and a need for additional income is on the rise. Due to the aforementioned reason, the MTF saw the need to help the economy by creating a program that will not only provide additional stable income, but provide a wealth of knowledge about the income tax industry. During the tax season you can make over $30,000 in just 3 months and more throughout the year! Join our Tax Partner Program and we will set you up with your own Virtual Tax Office or  Join our Tax Advisors and make money by simply referring people to us!

0 +
Years Experienced


Tax Partner/Advisor

Tax Partner Program

Tax Partner(70/30) The Tax Partner Program allows individuals to start their own Virtual Tax Preparation Company by partnering with The Meta Tax Family LLC. The Meta Tax Family offers a full service program that allows our Tax Preparers to start a career in a booming industry without having to do all the leg work. We provide: training, software, bank products, mentorship and lots of support to help our Tax Partners to become successful in the income tax industry.

The tax Partner Program is structured as a complete partnership structure in terms of compensation where both The Meta Tax Family and the Tax Partner do a 70/30 revenue split. Tax Partners are paid their revenue split as soon as the preparation fees are deposited, and at the end of tax season will receive a 1099 for revenue earned.

Sign up NOW! The Tax Partnership Program will walk you through an onboarding process that includes a Basic Income Tax Course Training.  The Training is to be completed by you no later than December 31st of 2024,  to start accepting clients for the next income tax season.  The Income Tax Course Training is self paced and must be completed with an average of 80% or better to be considered for the Tax Partner Program Certificate of Completion. Once you have completed your training you will be ready to set up your Virtual Tax Office! Upon the completion of this program you will receive: mentorship, tax-software, training, and a business start up kit.  We look forward to partnering with you and welcoming you to our Tax Family!

~Sign up is now open!!! Click the link below to get started!~

Tax Advisor Program

The Tax Advisor Program allows those looking to make additional money around tax season and throughout the year by being a liaison between a client and The Meta Tax family. Bring in tax clients, walk them through the process and make sure that they have provided all documents to complete their income tax return. The initial correspondence would be between Tax Advisor and Client until client is onboarded, then The Meta Tax Family will take it from there.

The Tax Advisor Program allows the advisor to earn a $75 referral fee for each client they advise & onboard to receive our service.  The Tax Advisor is different than a person that refers someone to the company because they have joined our team and as a result will earn $25.00 more than a basic referral.  The Tax Advisor will be provided with a 1099 at the end of tax season.  This program is available to sign up for at any time of the year, as tax preparation and business services are oftentimes needed throughout the year.  We look forward to you joining our team!

Do you want to become a Tax Partner or a Tax Advisor?

But you still have questions about the program and would like more information?


What our Tax Partners and Tax Advisors Say

Let a Dedicated Tax Expert Do Your Taxes For You. Get A Consultation

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